
Garden Diary - November 2022

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This and That at the New York Botanical Gardens
Tuesday, 29 November 2022

While outdoors are lights and puffs and more for GLOW

look indoors for the imaginative buildings, busy trains on their tracks at the Holiday Train Show

And while you stroll between indoors and outside do look around to see what else there is to enjoy.

The planters next to the Hudson Garden Grill focus on foliage plants including
edibles such as a grouping of ornamental kale, tall red Russian kale, a conifer
yellow twig dogwood, and something . . . it's either little leaf holly or boxwood.

Speaking of holly, enjoy the vivid sealing wax red berries of deciduous Ilex verticillata

It is November, late in the month. But here's a confused Prunus. No leaves but has flowers. Why? There was a drought last summer. Plants went dormant. Then it rained. Aha! fooled the plants that thought it must be spring. Some responded by coming into bloom. Nice for now, but it means next spring will be shabby. Those that flower in spring flower on older growth. There will not be time to make another set of flower buds before truly cold winter weather sets in.

The botanic garden is an island of greenery, surrounded by pavement, buildings, and vehicles.
The black squirrels so often seen here have two copies of the recessive gene for melanistic
black fur. The somewhat isolated population means that even a typically gray squirrel might
have one copy. This handsome little animal no doubt dines well on acorns and other nuts.

We decided to try the Hudson Garden Grill for lunch. At the very end of October my brother had mentioned that he and his adult daughter had visited NYBG to enjoy autumn foliage. He wrote that, " . . . we dropped by and got a table for 2, we both ordered beet salad, had a side of bread and a side of the edible garden carrots, all delicious. And we shared a slice of an autumn butternut spice cake which was a treat, not overly sweet. A great spot!"

Paul's favorite choice for lunch while out and about is a hamburger, so his choice was
a Hudson burger, heaped with bacon onion jam and skewered with a cherry tomato
and a Stella Artois. I like the tall, narrow shape of the glass showing off the bubbles.

I chose the seasonal winter soup, which was a smooth puree of squash.
And also toasted sour dough bread for a side.

Our table was next to the wall of windows, light and bright and a view of the garden.
Periodically a black squirrel would go dashing by. Wide boards, stained white, give a
sense of rustic barn decor. Plates stacked on a side table, small display of greenery
with a few little white lights. Good food, good service, good place to enjoy a meal.

Keep it in mind while enjoying the Holiday Train Show

and GLOW

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